Omnibus F4 Nano V6飛控 BEC +OSD +Baro 支持2-6s鋰電8針四合一電調接口
廠商: Airbot
編號: AB80100
5x UARTs
5V/2A BEC輸出
固件請使用V2版驅動, 設置CLI, set gyro_to_use = SECOND
With Support ending for F1 processors, F3 become the bottom wrung, but don't worry, this little board features an F4 MCU.
Its Betaflight OSD is connected over SPI in DMA, and is designed on the current proposed architecture for betaflight.
It will show you any and all data you want on your FPV feed and you can change settings including tune your PIDs without taking your goggles off!
The board also features an MPU6000 gyro connected over SPI for fast, accurate, low noise gyro data and can support 2-6s direct input.
01. 2-6s直接供電(adaptor to connect to Wave 4in1 ESC providing power and ESC signal connection (note Wave is 2-4s)
02. MPU6000 gyro connected by SPI for low noise, clean, high frequency gyro samples
03. BMP280 Barrometer to enable altitude hold
04. Betaflight OSD
05. Onboard voltage sensor
06. On board 5v regulator, components rated to 2A - recomended 1A max to prevent heat build up)
07. Built in L-C filter to provide clean power to FPV kit
08. STM32 F405 MCU running betaflight 3.2
09. pin headers for SBUS/PPM input
10. output for 4電機輸出JST-SH 1.0 8針 鏈接道本廠4合1電調 (8針4合1排線供選購)
11. 尺寸25x25mm (20x20mm M3 固定孔)